Sunday, March 23, 2008

TNA iMPACT Results! - 3/20/08

1. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim & ODB

Mike Tenay announces that next week during their live broadcast people will be able to log on to and vote for Awesome Kong’s next opponent. As for the match, ODB & Gail Kim are in control during the opening minutes until Kim takes a boot to the face from Angelina Love. Kim then takes the brunt of the punishment in the match up from her opponents until she is able to take Love down and make the tag to ODB as Love tags in Sky. ODB comes in and cleans house and picks up the win after delivering a running power slam to Sky. After the match, Roxxi Laveaux comes out and chases Love and Sky to the back as Kim and ODB celebrate their victory.

Winners: Gail Kim & ODB

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