Thursday, March 20, 2008

Melina Story on not doing PlayBoy has a new interview online with Melina. When asked about her decision not to pose for Playboy, Melina said, "I'm not going to say "Never say never", because if I ever chose to, then people will say "Oh, well she said she never would!", but at this point and time in my life, I won't do it. One, I want everyone to see my wrestling and that I have to more to offer. That's my choice and I want people to respect me for that. Other people can do that and it's great for them, but it's my choice. Second, I don't want people to come up to my dad or my brother or the person I'm dating and say, "Hey, can you have your daughter [or sister] sign this!" And then, for my body, I'd like the person I'm with in a relationship to see that."

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