Tuesday, March 18, 2008

RAW Results! - 3/18/08

1. Jillian Hall & Victoria vs. Maria & Candice Michelle

Maria and Jillian to begin. Maria in control, but Victoria gets a boot to the back to slow her down. Irish whip and a cartwheel into an elbow in the corner. Tag to Victoria, she slams Maria down and maintains control. A hair mare tosses Maria across the ring. Slam by Victoria, standing moonsault eats knees, Maria then gets an Enziguri and tag to Candice. Candice cleans house, dropkick and a forearm to Jillian. She gets a version of the Edge-A-Cution and Jillian breaks up the cover. Victoria in with the side back breaker for 2. Tag back to Jillian, up top, MISSES a 450, she landed on her feet, and that was not good as she could have blown out a knee. It didn't look good and she was favoring the leg. Unprettier by Candice finishes it.

Winners: Maria & Candice Michelle

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