Sunday, March 23, 2008

Smackdown Results! - 3/21/08

Teddy Long is in the ring as we come back from commercial. He says it’s the 3rd week of the Smackdown Diva competition. They hype that the winner gets a custom made bike then show John Legend and Fergie on their custom made bikes they got from the guy. Eve makes her way ringside, then Cherry. I like that she doesn’t wear the roller skates during this, but still carries them out. Victoria is out now then the fan favorite, Michelle McCool. I can’t wait until she wins and Chuck steals her custom pink bike. Teddy says their going to have an arm wrestling contest. Eve vs. Victoria is up first. Victoria is talking trash. She calls Eve’s arm a chicken wing then wins. Cherry and Michelle have a duel of arm strenght now. Michelle won. Now it’s Michelle vs. Victoria to determine the winner. Remember, who gets voted off is determined by fans texting in votes, so this doesn’t matter. It’s even to start. Michelle starts winning then slams Victoria’s arm down and gets the win. Teddy wants all the ladies to get in a line. It’s time to find who gets eliminated based on text votes from last week. Victoria got eliminated. She wants a recount. This isn’t a presidential race. Teddy encourages everyone to vote and text their favorite Diva’s name. Victoria attacks McCool and punches her a few times. They pull the girls apart and McCool givers her a nice kick to the face. Michelle is 3 for 3 in winning the competitions. Eve is very excited that she’s still around.

Eliminated: Victoria
Still In Competition: Cherry, Eve Torres & Michelle McCool
Won Arm Wrestling Challenge: Michelle McCool

TNA iMPACT Results! - 3/20/08

1. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim & ODB

Mike Tenay announces that next week during their live broadcast people will be able to log on to and vote for Awesome Kong’s next opponent. As for the match, ODB & Gail Kim are in control during the opening minutes until Kim takes a boot to the face from Angelina Love. Kim then takes the brunt of the punishment in the match up from her opponents until she is able to take Love down and make the tag to ODB as Love tags in Sky. ODB comes in and cleans house and picks up the win after delivering a running power slam to Sky. After the match, Roxxi Laveaux comes out and chases Love and Sky to the back as Kim and ODB celebrate their victory.

Winners: Gail Kim & ODB

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Jillian Hall - Showing Off Photoshoot

WWE has recently revealed a new photoshoot of Jillian Hall called Showing Off!

Melina Story on not doing PlayBoy has a new interview online with Melina. When asked about her decision not to pose for Playboy, Melina said, "I'm not going to say "Never say never", because if I ever chose to, then people will say "Oh, well she said she never would!", but at this point and time in my life, I won't do it. One, I want everyone to see my wrestling and that I have to more to offer. That's my choice and I want people to respect me for that. Other people can do that and it's great for them, but it's my choice. Second, I don't want people to come up to my dad or my brother or the person I'm dating and say, "Hey, can you have your daughter [or sister] sign this!" And then, for my body, I'd like the person I'm with in a relationship to see that."

Daily Diva -3/20/08

The Daily Diva for March 20, 2008 is none other than SD! Diva Torrie Wilson!

Lena Yada vs. Layla Photoshoot

ECW Diva's Lena Yada and Layla recently appeared in a photoshoot together!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heat Spoilers!

Melina (with Beth Phoenix), got the win over Mickie James, after Phoenix interfered. The heels taunted Mickie on their way out.

Smackdown Spoilers!

Teddy Long announced that tonight's Diva competition between Cherry, Eve, Michelle McCool and Victoria will be an arm wrestling match. The arm wrestling table was setup in the ring. Victoria beat Eve, Michelle McCool beat Cherry. Michelle McCool beat Victoria. Victoria is the diva eliminated by the fans. Victoria attacks Michelle but she is able to counter and Victoria gets knocked to the outside.

TNA iMPACT Spoilers!

These are the rumored spoilers for Thursday's TNA iMPACT!

1. Rock 'n' Rave Infection w/. Christy Hemme vs. LAX w/. Salinas
2. Gail Kim & ODB vs. Angelina Love & Velvet Sky

ECW Results! - 3/19/08

No ECW Diva appeared tonight.....

Kelly Kelly, Layla nor Lena Yada appeared tonight, maybe next week

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tag Team Match in Canada

WWE Will be touring soon and a match has been announced for their Canada run.....

Maria & Candice Michelle vs. Beth Pheonix & Katie Lea Burchill w/. Paul Burchill

RAW Diva Candice Michelle Injured!

WWE Diva Candice Michelle injured her left shoulder during her tag team match with Maria against Jillian and Victoria on Raw Monday, has learned. Candice has been sent to a Lafayette medical center for X-rays.

“Candice has pain in her left clavicle area,” said WWE Athletic Trainer Chris Brannon.

Her shoulder is iced down and is immobilized. She was sent in for X-rays to rule out a fracture.”

Last October, Michelle broke her left clavicle during her match against WWE Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix, forcing her to miss five months of action. This was Candice’s first live-action since that injury.

Candice and March 2008 Playboy cover girl Maria are scheduled to face The Glamazon and Melina at WrestleMania XXIV in Orlando, Fla., in a BunnyMania Lumberjack Match on March 30. Check back with for further updates as they become available.

RAW Results! - 3/18/08

1. Jillian Hall & Victoria vs. Maria & Candice Michelle

Maria and Jillian to begin. Maria in control, but Victoria gets a boot to the back to slow her down. Irish whip and a cartwheel into an elbow in the corner. Tag to Victoria, she slams Maria down and maintains control. A hair mare tosses Maria across the ring. Slam by Victoria, standing moonsault eats knees, Maria then gets an Enziguri and tag to Candice. Candice cleans house, dropkick and a forearm to Jillian. She gets a version of the Edge-A-Cution and Jillian breaks up the cover. Victoria in with the side back breaker for 2. Tag back to Jillian, up top, MISSES a 450, she landed on her feet, and that was not good as she could have blown out a knee. It didn't look good and she was favoring the leg. Unprettier by Candice finishes it.

Winners: Maria & Candice Michelle

Saturday, March 15, 2008

RAW Results!

Melina w/. Beth Pheonix vs. Maria w/. Candice Michelle

Before the match Melina said she was really looking forward to beating Ashley again tonight, “but apparently she is injured and can’t be here.” She said that’s typical of a Playboy cover girl, “looks great on the outside, but has nothing on the inside.” She said instead of a WrestleMania rematch, they’d have a WrestleMania prematch where she’d show everyone she is more than just a pretty face. Santino Marella walked out a minute into the match. He tore up Maria’s Playboy in front of Maria, distracting her in the process, setting up Melina to dish out an easy inverted DDT and a win. Afterward, Candice got in Santino’s face, and Glamazon forearmed Candice in the face and shoved her to the mat.

Winner: Melina

Smackdown Results!

SmackDown! began with the Divas Swimsuit Competition, featuring Cherry, Eve Torres, Maryse, Michelle McCool, and Victoria. Maryse received the least amount of votes, therefore, she was eliminated from the competition.

This week, the SmackDown! Divas competed in an obstacle course. Michelle McCool completed the obstacle course with the fastest time, therefore, she was announced the winner. She received an amazing ovation from the WWE fans in Chicago.

Voted off: Maryse
Still Competing: Victoria, Cherry, Eve Torres & Michelle McCool
Winner of Obstacle Course: Michelle McCool

TNA iMPACT Results!

1. Rock 'n' Rave Infection & Christy Hemme vs. LAX

Out of the break, Hernandez and his facial hair tossed folks around the ring. He then clotheslined Hoyt and his ripped jeans over the top rope to the floor. Hernandez flew over the top rope with a big dive. Back in the ring, Homicide went for the Cop Killah, but Rave slipped out and tagged out to Christy. Salinas then tagged herself into the match. She gave Christy a reverse DDT and made a cover for a nearfall. Christy then grabbed the Guitar Hero guitar and smashed it over Salinas's back with the ref distracted. Christy covered Salinas for the win.

Winners: Rock 'n' Rave Infection & Christy Hemme

2. Velvet Sky w/. Angelina Love vs. Gail Kim

Sky got a surprising amount of offense. They botched a monkey flip spot up badly. Sky barely went over. Love distracted Earl Hebner, which gave Sky a chance to recover, but Kim pinned her with a Celtic Cross. Then Love and Kim got in each other’s faces, and Kim speared her. Sky joined in for the double-team. Crowd chanted for ODB, but Kim just bailed out. Then Awesome Kong nailed her from behind and gave her the neck hanging tree slam.

Winner: Gail Kim

After the match, Angelina and Kim get into a shoving match until Kim spears Angelina but Velvet Sky interfers and they double team Kim until Kim rolls out of the ring. Awesome Kong and Raeisha Saeed attack Kim until ODB makes the save!